Handmade Knit Goods made in Minnesota

Mismatched Socks

Every year on March 21, people all around the world come together to celebrate human uniqueness on World Down Syndrome Day by wearing brightly colored, mismatched socks.


We make socks. They don't always match.

We'll donate 21% from ALL of our mismatched socks sales ALL year long to the 3-21 Foundation.
The 3-21 Foundation’s mission is to promote advances in education and cognition for people with Down syndrome so they can be empowered to pursue their dreams. To give direct support, please go to: 321Foundation.org

Why Mismatched Socks?
Different socks have become a symbol of World Down Syndrome Day because the chromosome is shaped like a sock.

The date of 21 March is also symbolic because people with Down syndrome have an extra chromosome number 21. They have three instead of two. This genetic disorder is therefore also called Trisomy 21.


Mismatched Socks - Made to Order
Mismatched Socks - Made to Order
Mismatched Socks - Made to Order
21% Donated to 3-21 Foundation for Down Syndrome Awareness
SKU 42349